New filing on ecourts re MB


I thought the ignore feature hid the posts, plus suppressed the notification through tagging?

Are you really claiming that by tagging someone, that negates the ignore instruction for that post?

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You finally figured it out. The same way LKā€™s comments on SM have affected attitudes towards her is the same way my endless comments about her and her family, especially after she almost died affects attitudes towards all of us posting here. The internet lasts forever and nothing is really incognito.

One of my earliest posts in the first thread was to request we all mind our comments knowing the families and friends of all parties will be reading them.

The same bunch that goes after the Kanareks here go after others. Itā€™s not about a noble calling to ā€œwarnā€ people, itā€™s simply entertainment to that bunch.


Re bolded. Exactly! Insults, boasts and threats on SM definitely do more to inform an opinion of the source of the diatribe than the target.

How did you not always understand this?

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So, translation: LK should be allowed to slander, libel, rant, rage, threaten, whatever, and no one should be able to say anything to warn her targets that may be otherwise unaware.

Ie: she shouldnā€™t have to face repercussionsā€¦.





[quote=ā€œAmbitious_Kate, post:3727, topic:783563ā€]

Most people understand the fakeness of SM and will base their assessments on their first hand experience of a person rather than what theyā€™ve read on SM. If they know the person IRL and see them demonized on SM, most people will let the mud slinging inform their opinion of the mud slinger, not the target.

*I want you CH to explain this, what you wrote and what I have in bold above, to the parents of all the teenagers that have commited suicide over SM.

Seems like to me that you have alot of explaining to do.*



It also completely ignores reality. I mean, if what CH and HH weā€™re insinuating is how it actually works, then I dare say politics would be a lot more of a polite subject.



I get that some donā€™t like these threads and donā€™t approve of the content, so perhaps their goal is to get them locked, but there will always be another thread. After one closes, another is started just a short while later. So itā€™s sort of a pointless endeavor. If you need a breather, then step away like an adult instead of trying to aggravate everyone else.

My ignore feature was jacked up when I switched to the app, and itā€™s been entertaining to read certain posts again, but I think some are really getting too invested in this. I mean, Iā€™m not going to tell you how to spend your time and energy, all Iā€™m saying is that some tones have changed, and if youā€™ve had enough, just walk away. Or donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter to me, Iā€™m purely rambling off some thoughts here.


Ummmā€¦ how did you miss my point - that you illustrated? That LKā€™s SM freakouts allow others to form an opinion of her based on her own words and behavior?? As in, the source of the diatribe is LK.
Her behavior on SM helps those who have never met her in real life form some opinions about her - which was, in many cases, backed up by her ā€œperformanceā€ in court and on 48 Hrs. That is all on her. Major DUH.

How did you not always understand this?

I did not ā€œfinally figure it out.ā€ I have understood all this a lot better than many seem to have - having dealt with a similar person who was intent on destroying all of us here. My friends, my home, my job. Finish the farm!! was her raison dā€™ĆŖtre. Fortunately, her heartā€™s desire did not come to beā€¦ and neither did LKā€™s. Her failed attempt came to a much sadder end, though.

Having gone through all that in the past - watching some defend LKā€™s abhorrent behavior is a very chilling case of deja vu.

I suspect that hut-ho and CH would have vociferously defended our version of LK as well - and called me, my co-workers and the boarders all meanies. Seeing as I do not ā€œget itā€ and all. And they know better.



Saying that most people understand the fakeness of social media is an interesting blanket statement, because Iā€™m not sure whether or not thatā€™s true. I mean, it certainly follows some things that LK said, in that she doesnā€™t take it so seriously and lies on SM (actually, she just takes it seriously when she wants to or could be of interest/benefit to her, IMO). Itā€™s funny who is free to lie and who isnā€™t. Or who or what is taken seriously and who or what isnā€™t.

I think that people take SM into consideration and may take it quite seriously at times depending on the source and the content. SM is huge and people definitely take it seriously at timesā€¦for example, reviews of products or services, or even casual claims about x company. A lot of people rely heavily on social media when it comes to forming their opinions about something, whether itā€™s a person, place, or product. I will consider what I hear in social media and keep it in the back of my mind when I meet someone, but I also know I have to consider other things such as source and context. I donā€™t let it form my entire opinion and will also let real life experiences shape my opinion too. I know not everyone operates that way, itā€™d be foolish of me to assume that they do.


I think the how has been obvious for a while. The previous posters are correct, the best course is to go back to a total shunning and continue on about our discussion as we see fit.

We need a disclaimer signature lineā€¦.


Shun. Shunnnnnn


Thankfully horse people have a wonderful way of reading people quickly. One glance at her SM page and the comments say more about her than anything the COTH can. Itā€™s all right there for everyone to see. I donā€™t think anyone would look at her SM and thinkā€¦ā€œnow thereā€™s a balanced individual who I think would make a great addition to my barn.ā€

Perhaps some of the older trainers need to take advantage of whatā€™s avail to them. Unfortunately it doesnt appear MB had done that. If he had, he may have been able to avoid all of this. I think thatā€™s why people on the COTH keep her name front and center. They want to avoid this from happening again to someone else.


Well exactly. Itā€™s horrible to think someone else might become her target, she threatens such often enough on SM. The more people who become aware of her the safer we all are from her, either as a BO, a trainer, or boarder. Or service professional.


What credentials as a border?? Lauren has no credentisls as a boarder! Not after what she did AS A BOARDER. She tried to ruin the owner, his family, relationships, his busiess and his property out of jealousy.

Just because sheā€™s behaving herself for the moment doesnā€™t make her safe to be around. IF sheā€™s behaving herself. She has years and years of these threats and destructive actions behind her. She doesnā€™t deserve to be welcome anywhere after what sheā€™s done to michael barisone and others. She should be blackballed where ever she goes. What are you saying, oh, poor little Lauren, sheā€™s being so well behaved right now, donā€™t disparage her? She may have avoided being called to account for her behaviour in court, so far, but that doesnā€™t mean public opinion and social circles wonā€™t make her pay.

If she hasnā€™t tried to ruin her current BO, itā€™s only because he doesnā€™t have anything she wants and is jealous of, or wants to prove she has power over. Good for him . Hope he keeps his head down.


So do it. Stop responding to posts about LK. Stop jumping on other posters who do wish to discuss her.


I canā€™t speak on behalf of the facility owners but I can tell you that boarders and students do limit their interactions with her and give her a wide berth. And yes they do discuss her somewhat odd persona, peculiar affect, and distinctive behaviour during her lessons amongst themselves. I donā€™t know that they discuss the case, her history of harassing people, or her crazy posts here and on other social media channels, but Iā€™d be shocked if it didnā€™t come up in conversation from time to time.


To clarify- Iā€™d love it if Eggbutt and Sdel and others didnā€™t continue to make LK the center of discussion for the purpose of indulging in the pleasure of hate, and the discussion could return to the actual topics of the case that are still open. Back when LK was legitimately part of the story, I always thought you were using the Barisone case as a pretext to bash her. Since her role in the case is now finished, that fig leaf is gone, and itā€™s nakedly obvious why you continue to focus on her.

But if you (g) decide you want to keep LK bashing as the topic of the threads, I wonā€™t promise to drop off unilaterally.

I understand thatā€™s what youā€™d like, though.


Now I have that song in my headā€¦