Long time lurker here, first time posting. So I’ve been riding 3x a week at a competitive h/j barn in NY for about a year now. The other day my trainer suddenly told me I should look into buying my first horse. To be honest I was a bit surprised, considering how I typically hear of people riding for several years before purchasing their horse/leasing, etc. However I’m still a novice rider, I can w/t/c with and without stirrups, sit trot, count strides, feel wrong canter leads (but can’t do flying change) hand gallop, etc. but I haven’t even started jumping cross rails yet. I can’t ride with steady contact yet or get my lesson horse round.
She goes out to europe occasionally to buy younger horses to bring home to train. She says she can look for an experienced older horse for me, a 1.10 schoolmaster essentially, to teach me the ropes and show for a few years then resell (or keep) once he hits his max height. I told her I’m very worried about “ruining” my horse, since I’m still in the beginning stages. She says there is no doubt I would depreciate my horse, so to help keep him sharp I should sign him up for training rides several days a week. She says having my own horse would advance my riding at a much faster rate than lesson horses would.
This sounds wonderful, my entire life I’ve dreamed of having a horse and since I’m an adult now I’m fortunate enough to be in a situation where finances aren’t a problem. However, I’ve read on these forums of trainers pushing beginners to buy too advanced horses. Do you guys think this is the case here, or does she have my best interests at heart? Do you guys think I’m ready for a horse? I’ve spent my spare time the last 2 years reading equine books, equestrian YouTube videos, forums, etc.