Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

She would not be able to resist posting turning the attention to her. I have no doubt she has friends here though, just as MB and MH do.


You very well could be right about LK not being able to resist posting.

I totally agree with the rest.


Honestly I think she found this thread by googling herself


I am sorry to inform everyone but this whole situation has absolutely nothing to do with the rent. I don’t know how the media even got that. This whole situation has to do with their neurotic, narcissistic, crazy behavior of Lauren Kanarek and her driving MB, MH, EVERY single employee on the farm crazy


My bet is friends clued her in. But I wouldn’t bet the farm against your theory either. You could very well be right.


I heard something similar. And the threats extended to outside the NJ farm as well.

Still can’t shoot her.


Girl Joey, it sounds to me from your posts that you are still very enraged about what you said this woman allegedly did to you
as well you should be considering the content of your posts. That said
you see, this is what sociopaths do. They keep people like you who have been hurt badly by their behavior become obsessed to “right the wrongs”.

I can also understand why you want her past behavior brought to justice. At the same time, she was shot. Apples and oranges from a legal standpoint. Perhaps you can take some solace that the behavior/past that affected you so terribly is being brought to light here and you can find some semblance of peace within yourself for that. You’ve gotten your horror story out as often when this kind of thing happens we live it alone.

You can’t control the outcome of this amazingly terrible situation. When one is affected terribly by people like she has shown herself to be, the reaction for most people is to want to right the wrongs. It won’t happen. Hopefully this will be sorted out in a trial with a jury and you can get beyond it. I know about this from my own experience with someone I hired and was completely duped. And I didn’t just fall off of the turnip truck. Take a breath and this will play out I’m sure. Best to you.


Wow. Maybe people like LK and SW aren’t as rare as we thought


Some people want to HAVE a relationship, but they have no interest in offering one.

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Just stop
move on. Please.


She has a point and do not try to control the thread it never works out. All you’re doing is drawing more attention.


I take extreme offense to that. I am a law abiding person who never hurt anyone or shot anyone or ripped off anyone.


What she did to Girl Joey is unforgivable. Totally unforgivable in every single way. Nothing can erase what she did to her and no one can offer any explanation about why she did it. Something this horrible is incredibly hard to get past.

I hope that Girl Joey and Haleybot and many others can eventually move past the horrors of this woman. For sure MB, MH, JH, and so many others won’t be able to.


You take extreme offense to a lot of things. Just scroll.


How about taking your own advice. I am not the subject matter here.


I’m not being sanctimonious nor am I wading into the gun control debate. My original comment was in response to someone who said they might react in the same way if CPS were called on them. I don’t know a single Canadian (despite knowing many Canadian gun owners) who would think it appropriate to bring a gun in that situation. It is very much a cultural difference to feel you should carry a gun to a potentially volatile situation “just in case.” Brits, Canadians, Aussies, etc. just don’t tend to think about guns in terms of personal protection or self defence.

And since MB bringing a gun with him to confront LK (as far as we know) could show some kind of intent, it seems entirely relevant to the discussion at hand, at least as relevant as any of the other speculation everyone has engaged in for the past 132 pages.

Nobody is trying to turn the thread into a political discussion. But there is a difference of opinion amongst those of us who feel it was entirely reasonable for MB to carry a gun for protection if he felt LK was a threat, and those of us who don’t. I suspect much of the difference in how we view guns is cultural - clearly you don’t. We can agree to disagree about that.


But your lashing out all random like. It ain’t that serious unless your involved with the subject matter. And sorry @BigMama1 and I don’t always agree but she has always been a kind and fair poster. So knock it off. If your offended back away from the keyboard. There is enough drama in this thread without you creating your own. If you need more attention say so.


JUST STOP IT!!! This is why COTH forums get such a bad rap with posters taking so much personally and lashing at each other. The difference from FB is on FB we can block people who are provoking. Contribute to the thread or please be pleasant.


Funny how you make these posts when we call posters out for doing just that. Oh and this isn’t your thread and even if it was you can’t control it.