Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I will point out that a lot of people with disabilities like that become pretty good at hiding it. There is this incredible lady at my barn who has chronic pain and a bunch of other stuff. She is out every day, takes meticulous care of her baby warmblood she just bought, does lessons and clinics at every opportunity while also observing the people she has working with her baby to help bring him along. You’d honestly never know there’s anything wrong, except occasionally when she thinks no one is looking you can see the pain or exhaustion a bit. And different people have different triggers. I’ve experienced enough of my own weird stuff that I never judge anyone that says they are going through something debilitating.

Of course there are those that fake it, but I’ll give people the benefit of the doubt that they just work hard to be “normal”. Not saying this lady is or isn’t faking it or not as bad as she has said, but I do have to point that out in honor of my incredible friend!


And the word we’re looking for is: Karma.


I would agree but for example sometimes mental issues can qualify you (bi-polar disorder, etc.) I am sure that is a difficult way to qualify but not impossible to do, that because of the mental issue(s) they cannot hold a job and be gainfully employed.(And that it is a real genuine impediment to employment.)(I only mention that as there may be readers that have family members or themselves fit in that group…) You would not be foreclosed from getting assistance just because the impediment to employment is not visible.(Ed to add a little more…and spell check oops.)


To expand on this, there are many of us walking around with “invisible disabilities.” I appear fairly normal, even healthy to people who don’t know what I’m dealing with, but I have MS and complete adrenal failure. I have to manage my medications, diet and hydration very carefully, and severe stress can trigger a crisis that might hospitalize me. Not all ailments are obvious.


Not necessarily. I have a relative who has been on SSDI and Medicare for years. She has had bublar cerebral palsy since birth, along with learning and intellectual disabilities. She signs to communicate as she cannot form words, but even then communicating with her can be challenging, especially when she gets caught up in a wrong idea and gets so stuck in her idea that she is right that it is very challenging to communicate with her. With the help of a very patient pony and some very patient instructors she rides and shows at schooling shows -intro and hopefully adding training 1 this summer, and when we were kids, showed the low level hunters for a while. Horses and riding have been a very stabilizing part of her life for the past 40+ years as it lets her do something and compete with folks with no disabilities.


Oh Lauren Kanarek… You keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.

There are just so many things wrong with the underlined part.
Jonathan Kanarek, Daddy to Lauren Kanarek is co-owner as a joint tenant with rights of survivorship and there is that darn mortgage for $371,000 that you just posted about as being such a wise way of doing things.
Tell us again how you own your house outright when public records say otherwise, complete with your signature on the loan paperwork.

I suppose you did get that part about your decision making skills sucking, it is very simple for sure.


Edit to add - for those who might have missed it, the information on the mortgage can be seen here:


As with everything else from LK, it’s only easily disproved if you have enough interest and know where to look.

Which probably lets out most of her target audience.


Where is this posted?


Same YT video where she just can’t let things go. Sort comments by new. Look for the one with 39 or so comments.


Apologies if this has been asked before - did LK/JK take out that mortgage at the same time as closing on the house? Or did they obtain a mortgage at a subsequent date?

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They bought the house in Aug 2021. They took the mortgage out on April 12, 2022, while the jury was deliberating in the criminal trial.


There is so much information I am sure it is hard to keep track.
Try this post.


This is all pretty odd and nonsensical coming from someone who was a squatter in MB’s farmhouse. Why the new obsession with her own real estate situation as well as that of others. I mean it’s not like you go to a party and discuss each other’s mortgages or trusts or whatever. Just plain out there.


Interesting timing on the mortgage date. I’m guessing they took it out so they would have cash to fund the renovation work, etc. And as others have speculated, they were no doubt banking on full-on “Guilty” verdicts for MB, which would very likely have prompted an immediate settlement offer in the civil suit. She would be awash with cash (so she thought) and could quickly pay off that mortgage. Surprise, surprise.

And her comment is one of her typical half-truths, deliberately concocted to deceive the reader(s). She and JK could very likely have paid in full for the house when they bought it, and if so, that part of her statement was true. But the fact that there is currently a mortgage on it means it is NOT TRUE that it “is” paid for.

She was banking on the readers glossing over her use of the word “is,” as well as assuming they would not know that there is a mortgage.



I don’t think I had grasped the significance of the dates on the mortgage timeline until now. That seems like an interesting development.


I’m enjoying the quiet :shushing_face:, how about you?



Love it!!


This shows the scope of narcissistic reasoning. Once she bought a house - or rather had one bought for her - the fact that she had spent DECADES as a renter, squatter, trailer resident or whatever was instantly forgotten the moment she had an opportunity to feel superior to another.

The rest of us mortals require air, food and water to live. But a malignant narcissist is condemned to such feelings of insufficiency that they constantly must belittle and put down others so that for a brief moment they themselves are elevated.

It’s what the malignant narcissist does when they have no other way to show others how superior they are.

So they tells lies about their accomplishments like being FEI ranked even though they don’t ride FEI level classes.

One of my former local narcissists liked to tell people she was short listed for the US Olympic Team even though she had never shown at a dressage show.

That’s just how they roll.


That is pretty good if you never have shown at a dressage show!


So true.