Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Yup, you did mention the dog. Are you saying this not exactly what you wrote?

Dec. 20, 2019, 12:40 AM

"The exact sequence of events are as follows: (There are perhaps, one or two specific details, I can’t comment on, but only bc it’s def not public info & MB has no idea it/they exist.) I was reading on my love seat on the porch. I’d been there all morning. Sometime around 2 pm I saw Michaels truck speeding down the driveway. I heard it & immediately peeked my head out from the umbrella attached to the love seat. He pulled in the driveway to the house and parked directly in front of the table set outside the porch. I immediately ran upstairs to get Rob bc I had no desire to talk to him & was afraid to be alone with him out there. Rob came down, stood on the porch (at first) and began asking Michael what he wanted. I noticed Michael was standing in a very weird position. He was behind a chair, hiding most of his body behind a bush. I could hear, but I was standing on the porch so I leaned over the handrail to hear better. Michael told/asked Rob “what can I do to make everything better? I just want to make this right and make everything good again… I honestly could not believe my ears. But, Rob told him to call his lawyer and let our lawyers talk & stormed away back to the porch. I, however, DID want to hear exactly how Michael thought he was gonna make everything alright - you’d have to know Michael to know that after the past 6-7 days of TORTURE - he might actually think there was some way to “fix everything.” Even I partially believed it. So I stupidly went outside (off the safety of the porch - to be clear) and got about 4 ft away from him, but the table and partial chair were in between us. I right away asked, “ok. How do you plan to … (or something similar)
Never finished my sentence. He immediately pulled a gun from his jeans and shot me twice in the chest right then. I ran around in a circle or something… I think I was in shock. But reality kicked in and my first thought was Rob. Michael fired another round and Rob went down. I thought he was shot in the head. Glass was everywhere from the window in the door in the laundry room which leads to the porch where rob had been standing - Michael started running to the porch & One second later Rob comes leaping out of the laundry room door (which wasn’t completely closed all the way, as we wanted to be able to go right back in if needed) and tackles Michael to the ground. I was bleeding from my chest and side so badly it was running down my arms and hands and my red shirt was (still RED &) soaking wet. I was TERRIFIED the gun would go off from somewhere under Michael and Rob was on top of him holding him down… I remember running over to them and trying to dial 911 from my phone but my hands were soaking wet with blood, it wouldn’t dial… 911 got called though. (That part I can’t disclose.) 911 was called Also by me - apparently. But I don’t remember speaking to 911. I remember vividly Rob screaming “Stop fkng trying to move Michael.” They were on the ground still & I couldn’t let the gun go off or let Michael get free. So I started hitting him in the face with my phone until it broke. Rob kept trying to push me off bc he legit thought I was about to die once the adrenaline wore off or I bled out, but I kept coming back until I thought I should try & somehow tourniquet my chest (stupid I know, but I didn’t know how else to stop the bleeding) … so I started crawling toward the table bc I guess I thought I saw a rag or small towel (they were usually always on the chair seats bc they were SO uncomfortable) but I couldn’t make it. Body gave out. I was losing consciousness and I knew that was BAD. Cops showed up exactly at that moment. 6 guys I think. But one guy was first by a matter of a nano second. He got Rob off Michael & I remember my dog was somehow outside which she’s never allowed to be unless she’s on her ground leash. She was biting Michael and even Rob, too. Anyway, the cop was then standing over Michael with a pistol aimed at his head telling him if he moved again, he would “fkng kill him so do not fkng move.” All I remember after are pieces… the 6 cops were trying to keep me conscious. They bandaged my entry wounds, located the exits, bandaged them too, cleaned blood off my face and arms. Then I remember hearing “the med evac chopper can’t fly - there is storm coming. But they did get there. I was flown to the hospital and that is all I remember. I woke up 4 days later in the ICU …

not editing this, so if there are grammar mistakes or words missing … feel free to either ask or ignore. Also, I was not “tricked,” into writing this … these facts I’m allowed to share. But ONLY these facts. There will definitely be surprises… and thank god. Once the defense figures it out I can’t imagine what defense he will POSSIBLY have to combat the “other” evidence."


It was a comment from LK left on RC’s facebook back in August.

I don’t see you saying a WORD about Mary Haskins refusing to feed her 5 cats or letting them live in their own feces until there is so much of it, it literally overflows into her children’s beds and all over the floor. I have pictures Incase you decide to tell lies again.

For some reason COTH doesn’t want to upload an image… see if this works.


Such class. I guess I’m not surprised based on what others have said on all the other threads. Who behaves like this?


What the flippity flack?


Looks like RC has changed her FB settings so I can’t see all her posts, there was much more in comments from LK, but those seem to have been hidden or deleted as well. I didn’t screen shot any of it at the time, but since there’s been discussion about who probably and “plausibly” contacted CPS, it jogged my memory that there was a claim about the proof that her children were sleeping in cat crap by LK. My question is, who documents that in pics, and then DOESN’T report it?


Starving cats don’t produce much feces; I don’t know anyone who keeps litter boxes above beds; also if you saw and photographed this but didn’t report it then you’re also in the wrong.

Were these cats in the other side of the house? Where MB, MH and others wouldn’t venture? If that side was condemned, why didn’t YOU trap the cats so their owner could retrieve them? What would that have cost you in any way? A few bucks?



But it looks like she posted on RC’s FB page AFTER she got out of the hospital. Amazing. Simply amazing. Again, she doesn’t seem to accept responsibility for anything. I’m sure, “there’s more to the story that will be revealed later”.


Omg… thank you!!! You just brought up an excellent question. Such a tiny detail seemingly… except, not tiny at all!!! Omg. Can’t share it with you. But- 3 words in your first paragraph just sent chills to my spine. Oh. My. God. You don’t even realize what this means!!! Thanks again.

Well, now we have one example of who would either lie or who wouldn’t address it with the appropriate authority. Poverty and ignorance of the law isn’t an explanation that will work here.

Really, an ugly inside view of Lauren and Robert’s characters. I include him because if she knew (and took photos), I can’t imagine he wasn’t told, or shown the photos even IF he didn’t see it firsthand.

Or it’s an outright lie. Which isn’t any better.


Who knows why there would supposedly be photo evidence of animal and child neglect, but then supposedly it wasn’t reported?

Most of this case makes very little sense. Even if we take everything La-la says as gospel truth, then MB and at least one other person planned a murder in broad daylight and then he attempted to kill LK and incidentally shot at RG who he wasn’t even sure would emerge from the house? Is he mentally challenged? Is the person he plotted with? Plotted with knowing there were cameras and audio recording going on in the area they were discussing it?

It’s going to be an interesting trial for sure. I’ll be interested to see if any of the SM circus is admitted, and if so, how that effects the outcome if at all. He’s definitely guilty of the shooting. Premeditation? I’m not so sure about that one, but if there are recordings of him planning it, that will be interesting.


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Such secretive drama…can’t share, more later, time will tell, you don’t even realize what this means, etc. Maybe that’s where the pink gun was!


Not biting. You go ahead & make up whatever timeline in your head, you wish. Have fun.

Im deathly allergic to cats. As an aside.


Well that doesn’t sound unhinged at all.


Extortion? It makes no sense to take photos of severe problems and not report it. Not that extortion makes sense either.

Also, is it illegal to record other people having a conversation, one in which the person recording NOT a participant in New Jersey? It is a one-party notification state but that doesn’t mean eavesdropping and recording others conversing is legal - correct?


This entire situation is a candidate for Occam’s razor. No more drama.


This thread started off slower, but you all really got crackin! Still going in circles. The only thing noteworthy was that pound cake recipe, sounds decent!

And if “cat feces piled” doesn’t send chills down your spine, I don’t know what does, tbh.

Wouldn’t surprise me if it was actually the cat, with the pink gun, on the front porch. Cats are little devils. Might have just unlocked the entire case here.


If you don’t see that I’m kidding, please get help or go eat a cake!


You posted an accusation, stated you had photos but didn’t lift a single digit to get the situation addressed and help those animals. All you had to do was report it to animal control. That reflects on your character.

You did take the time post the accusation on someone’s Facebook page though. After August 10, 2019. Classy.


Don’t believe any of it. Apparently she is a master manipulator who likes to threaten and taunt. One thing throughout all of this is she has never shown any cruelty toward animals. I don’t believe a word of her post on RC’s page. Actually, there is very little one can believe since so much seems to be for effect and reaction. Again, accepts no responsibility for anything of consequence.


Interesting observation…now that LaLa is posting, YankeeDuchess has gone mute.