Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Well, perhaps you should get a deeper understanding of our our system of criminal justice works. Because any charges/arrests/citations are matters of public record. So, in that case, whatever the police and courts are “aware of” regarding a charge/arrest/citation would be obtained by an internet search.

I did not say “only” LK, RG, etc. I did say that “only those very close to the case” by which I meant people who had access to information that the general public might not have access to via news stories or searchable databases.
  Indeed, it is still my belief that there is a distinction between the term “public record” and “obtainable for free on an internet search”. 

   I now understand your position is that in NJ and perhaps all states, all criminal charges are obtainable via internet search.
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So Barisone is now a “quasi” Olympic trainer??? I seriously think others would argue that with you sweetie.


I am really sorry to hold your feet to the fire, so to speak. But you really can’t make statements using a word, then claim that you didn’t use that word at all and then come back and claim that you didn’t use it to mean what you used it to mean.

And, again, public records are just that…public. The courts and police can’t charge/arrest/cite anyone and not have it be part of the public record. And the public record is just that: public. Which means that it is searchable on a database somewhere. Pay wall? Maybe. But it is still searchable. By the public.


Nope, was not me. Please verify your remarks before dragging me into your squabbles.


Sigh. He was the reserve rider on an Olympic team. Does that make him an Olympic rider? In your opinion, of course.

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While we’re splitting hairs on semantics, how is MB a “quasi” Olympic trainer of dressage horses?

Did he not train an Olympic horse and rider at the Olympics in Rio? The bronze medalist, in fact?

That sounds like a genuine Olympic trainer to me.


He sure as hell is an Olympic TRAINER as your post originally stated.

 Thanks for the info, I thought it was GiveEmEl, not you anyway.

Trained Alison Brock. You’re absolutely right.

But would you characterize him as an “Olympian”

himself, given that he was the reserve rider? That was the nature of the ambiguity in my mind.

You’re absolutely right in that he is clearly the trainer of Alison Brock. I was not sure whether it is correct to refer to him as an Olympian, given he was reserve rider.

My Bold.

/ˈkwāˌzī,ˈkwäzē/ [LIST=1]

  • seemingly; apparently but not really. "quasi-American" being partly or almost. "quasicrystalline" [/LIST] Check your facts @YankeeDuchess. Maybe you actually meant LK is a "quasi" USDF Bronze Medalist. Is that what you actually meant? Statements like this really, really piss people off. Regardless what YOU think Barisone has done, he worked and earned his achievements in dressage. There is nothing "quasi" about it.

    You did not refer to him as a “quasi Olympic rider.” Or a “quasi Olympian.”

    You called him a “quasi Olympic trainer,” when he is, in fact, absolutely an Olympic trainer.

        I believe I understand your position and continue to disagree with it.

    I love it that I’m no longer the only one driven to quote the dictionary on this thread! :lol:


    @YankeeDuchess So now we will educate you on Olympic protocol…anyone who is on the Olympic team of any sport and attends the Olympics either as a reserve or participant, marches in the Parade of Olympians, and receives the uniform of that Olympics IS considered an Olympian. At any moment, one of the riders could have dropped out for a variety of reasons and he would have been called to ride immediately. I am sick of this unwarranted bashing of Michael Barisone. Disgraceful and totally unacceptable.


    I’m pissed. I didn’t mean to take over your responsibilities! :D:D:D


    For crying out loud, Lauren said she didn’t call CPS. Everything she says is the truth. QED - she called SS. CPS showed up. They wouldn’t if someone didn’t clutch his/her pearls and wail, “Who will think of the children!?”

    Presumably pearl-studded cuff links exist, right? I can more readily imagine RG giving a tinkers’ dam about unrelated kids than Lauren Kanarek after reading what she has written through time. So perhaps Robert G. called CPS. I can see her using him as a cats’-paw.


    You are right, he is an Olympic trainer. I was wrong. I apologize. The reason I threw in “quasi” is that I was thinking of this status as an Olympic competitor.

    Personally, I am more happy to consider someone who was the reserve rider as a full fledged “Olympian” but I know other posters get really upset if someone overstates their achievements.